37 #define XTJOIN(a, b) a##b
38 #define TJOIN(a, b) XTJOIN(a, b)
41 #define H3_EXPORT(name) TJOIN(H3_PREFIX, name)
43 #define H3_EXPORT(name) name
75 #define H3Index int64_t
94 #define GeoCoord(variable_name) double variable_name[2]
95 #define GeoCoordArray(variable_name, size) double variable_name[size][2]
96 #define GeoCoordCopy(dest_coord, src_coord) \
97 dest_coord[LAT_INDEX] = src_coord[LAT_INDEX]; \
98 dest_coord[LON_INDEX] = src_coord[LON_INDEX];
EXTENSION_NOINLINE double H3_EXPORT() h3ToLat(H3Index h3)
EXTENSION_NOINLINE double H3_EXPORT() h3ToLon(H3Index h3)
EXTENSION_NOINLINE H3Index H3_EXPORT() geoToH3(const double lon, const double lat, int res)
find the H3 index of the resolution res cell containing the lat/lng
EXTENSION_INLINE double H3_EXPORT() radsToDegs(double radians)
converts radians to degrees
#define H3Index
the H3Index fits within a 64-bit unsigned integer
EXTENSION_NOINLINE H3Index H3_EXPORT() h3ToParent(H3Index h, int parentRes)
returns the parent (or grandparent, etc) hexagon of the given hexagon
EXTENSION_NOINLINE int64_t H3_EXPORT() h3ToGeoPacked(H3Index h3)
find the lat/lon center point g of the cell h3
EXTENSION_NOINLINE double radians(const double x)
EXTENSION_NOINLINE double degrees(double x)
EXTENSION_INLINE double H3_EXPORT() degsToRads(double degrees)
converts degrees to radians